I chose beautiful mess because I am not perfect and I over react and sometimes have drama and I make mistakes... basically I am a mess... but I am made in His image an that makes me a beautiful mess :)

I am in a strange place. I am single, but not single minded (I'm not that clever, a friend coined the phrase). I don't quite fit in with a lot of the single people out there. I can go out and do what I want whenever I want to, when I am without Hannah. BUT I also get to think like a parent. Play dates, early bed times. So sometimes I feel like I live in two worlds. Since I am forced to be without Hannah, I do get the luxury of having my own time, a luxury some moms/dads don't get. I wish it wasn't that way but it really helps me be a better parent. Most parents feel guilty for doing things for themselves or taking time a way from their children. And because it is mandatory I have chosen to see it as a blessing.
I hope that no one is ever put in my situation, but I do hope that my parent friends realize how important it is to take care of themselves to recharge and refocus!!
So I am waiting for some laundry to finish before I go to bed. I find it funny that I am the loneliest when I have a lot to do. Most single girls when they are lonely want someone to cuddle with and be romantic. And I want help around the house...lol I miss the other stuff to but I am actually happy being single at this moment. I don't want it to be forever but I like the idea of if I want to go do something or buy something I don't have to check with anyone.
I have a great life. I have an amazing family, friends, and of course the most perfect little girl!! I know that God has a BIG plan for me and He is already showing me. So here is being patient and enjoying every moment.
Here this beautiful mess's little mess :)
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