Saturday, July 31, 2010

And never is heard a discouraging word

I had my annual review Thursday at work. It went well. We talked about what my struggles and my triumphs. I got good marks. But one thing that my boss said caught me off guard. He said that I did a good job of listening to a coworker vent and redirecting her in a positive way. Wow. I thought this was the best compliment EVER!!

I think we all want to make a positive mark on this world. We all want to be known for something amazing, to be part of a big plan. BUT I think that something as simple as listening and redirecting makes a big difference. I think that is part of my special talents. That is the something big I am meant to do. So it makes me feel good to know that I made a difference. No matter how big or small.

Have you seen "If you really knew me" on MTV? Its about a high school that goes through a challenge day where they become real and share their struggles and hurts. And they get a different perspective on others and they all try to change their ways for the better to support instead of tear down, to lean on each other instead of attack. What an amazing thing!!

So I am challenging myself to work harder to see the positive side. And to find some way to build or encourage everyone I touch. And those people who get on my nerves (especially at work) to step back and remember they are probably struggling with something to and face them with more compassion.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hurry up and wait

So I am not sure why I have been chosen to endure so many trials... probably b/c I keep asking God to make me the best me I can be. So I am tired of this single thing. I have been praying for patience for God's best for me. Well on Monday I was impatient so I asked for a sign or something. Well I have a devotional emailed to me each day and guess what Monday's title was? The Waiting. What seriously?! That was not the sign I wanted. I didn't read it. Not right away anyway. Here was the verse it gave "Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD." Psalm 27:14 Alright I get it wait. So just to make sure I learn that I am not in control. I go out to say good bye to a friend. And the valet breaks my car!! Yeah he forced the gear shift and bent some rods or something. So at 9:30 I am waiting outside in the middle of Westhiemer waiting. I waited for an awesome friend to come get me. Then I waited for the 1st wrecker. Then I waited for the 2nd wrecker. and then I waited for the 3rd wrecker who could actually tow my car. So about 4 hours later. I was home. Then I waited for the dealership to call, then I waited to see if my warranty would cover it. And through the whole thing. I was at peace. I knew that it would all work out because I trust Him and His will. So my warranty DOES cover everything. What a blessing!! So how lucky am I that He proves to me that He will provide.
So I'm waiting. And today it is a little easier than it was yesterday.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Neither here nor there

I wanted to write a blog for one simple reason: someone to
I chose beautiful mess because I am not perfect and I over react and sometimes have drama and I make mistakes... basically I am a mess... but I am made in His image an that makes me a beautiful mess :)
I am in a strange place. I am single, but not single minded (I'm not that clever, a friend coined the phrase). I don't quite fit in with a lot of the single people out there. I can go out and do what I want whenever I want to, when I am without Hannah. BUT I also get to think like a parent. Play dates, early bed times. So sometimes I feel like I live in two worlds. Since I am forced to be without Hannah, I do get the luxury of having my own time, a luxury some moms/dads don't get. I wish it wasn't that way but it really helps me be a better parent. Most parents feel guilty for doing things for themselves or taking time a way from their children. And because it is mandatory I have chosen to see it as a blessing.
I hope that no one is ever put in my situation, but I do hope that my parent friends realize how important it is to take care of themselves to recharge and refocus!!
So I am waiting for some laundry to finish before I go to bed. I find it funny that I am the loneliest when I have a lot to do. Most single girls when they are lonely want someone to cuddle with and be romantic. And I want help around the I miss the other stuff to but I am actually happy being single at this moment. I don't want it to be forever but I like the idea of if I want to go do something or buy something I don't have to check with anyone.
I have a great life. I have an amazing family, friends, and of course the most perfect little girl!! I know that God has a BIG plan for me and He is already showing me. So here is being patient and enjoying every moment.
Here this beautiful mess's little mess :)