Thursday, October 28, 2010


On Sunday we had a missionary come visit Club Hub. He was young, had longer hair, rode a skateboard, basically he was cool. He wasn't my picture of what a missionary is. Which is great!! I just grew up with them being stuffy and prim and proper. I get my image mostly from my grandparents who were voluntary missionaries. Any way. He talked about talents and listening to the desires of your heart. He talked so freshly and with so much passion it gave me chills. It is how I feel when I go hang out with the junior highers and I meet someone new.

All week we have been preparing for our Halloween party at work. I am on the C.A.R.E. team. And as you all know I'm bossy. I admit it. But its how things get done. Everyone wants to give ideas but its hard to get started and that is what I do. And I have enjoyed it. I like organizing and putting things together.

And on Wednesday we had team building. I really wasn't looking forward to it. But we had a puzzle to solve. We had a grid and we had to get each member across the correct path with in 28 minutes. Oh yeah we couldn't talk. And we had some one who didn't know what we were doing and was blindfolded added to the mix. It was exciting and fun to solve a problem and achieve success- in 23 minutes I might add!! And the whole room was elated. Everyone had a huge smile on their faces and was laughing and sharing. That was amazing.

So this week has been a focus on talents and passion and desire. I think the biggest roadblock to these things is fear and self esteem and self awareness. I may not be called to go to a foreign country or do something HUGE, but I am called. One thing our missionary visitor said that stuck with me was "God isn't going to say why weren't you more like Mother Theresa, He's going to say why weren't you more like you?" So who are you? What are your talents? Who did God make you to be?

No blog is complete without a picture. Here is Hannah riding on a horse at the HALTER farm. Oh and according to Hannah she is going to be a cheerleader, soccer player, teacher, and mommy when she grows up!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

So its been a crazy a week. I am not loving this celiac disease!!! Its not that is hard, but its the unknown. Like right now it is going to take a couple of months for my stomach to feel completely better. And I think one of my medications my contain gluten. So I stopped taking them. Just temporarily. Neither are vital. So after three days of the worst stomach pain and nausea so far, I am finally feeling better. Just in time for my birthday.
I went to Chick fil a yesterday. Yep I can eat at normal places too. But each time I eat out I am taking a risk of cross contamination. But I had a successful meal. I had a chargrilled chicken and fruit salad and waffle fries!! Yummy :) I needed some "comfort" food. I am feeling a little alone. My sister, who also shares Sjogrens (another auto immune) with me. got tested to see if she has celiac disease b/c she has chronic acid reflux and stomach pain. And her test came back negative. Not that I want her to be sick, but it would have been nice to have someone to share this with. She is a sweet heart though. She is going to do the gluten free diet too. Mostly because it could make her feel better anyway.
So with all that. I am happy. I have been in a really good place lately. God has been blessing me with little things and peace. I have some amazing friends and a wonderful family. And Hannah has been so awesome. I have to be very open with her about this, to keep me from getting sick. And so whenever she eats anything she either asks me if it has gluten or states if it is safe or not. She is so wonderful about it. Mostly b/c she knows how bad it is when I don't feel good.
The quotes that have been running through my head have been "life is what you make it" and "intentions mean nothing its the choices that make a difference" I couldn't agree more. I am teaching Hannah that all of her choices have results some good some bad. But so do mine. So what I can't eat like normal people any more, so what I'm divorced, so what I have a chronic auto immune. None of these things define who I am. I had a friend say that its not your problem that someone might find you annoying or difficult or drama (or some other not so great trait) , its their problem for not taking the time to get know you.